Sunday, March 21, 2010

New Powers!

I think my son is set to be a super villain. He just discovered these amazing new powers. He can hold onto things like the coffee table in the living room and walk while holding onto the edge. This is how he gets into everything like my computer, my mouse, the pen I'm trying to write my grocery list on, my coffee, you name it, he's getting into it. While I don't particularly care for his villainess, I am proud of his new achievements so here he is, standing while proudly holding on to the "monster chair".

And another that I have been envisioning since before he was born that I took last week. I love that I have all ten feets in this one.

38 Weeks

And this was taken on the same day that my oldest daughter turned 15. I know! 15!!! I still can't believe that I'm the mother to a teenager, let alone one who's old enough to get her permit.

It's been a very long time since I got a photo of all my kiddos that I'm actually happy with. Thanks to my awesome *snort* editing powers, I did a couple head swaps. Can you tell which ones?

My 5

Hopefully I'll be posting another new action that I've been working on. I actually have a few, but I don't think I've perfected them quite yet. The photographer's toolkit is coming along though and hopefully it will be done soon.

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